The Fallen State of Man

In the first chapter of the Bible, a pure paradise was spoiled by an evil adversary. Life on earth was thrown out of balance when Eve was deceived and Adam fell in line. God, for their disobedience, cursed them and plunged humankind into our present day fallen state. I want everyone to understand that the reason that we seen the mass shooting in Orlando and all the terrorism across this planet can be blamed on “The Fallen State of Man”

The fallen nature of man has succumbed to the evil adversary. And due to this fallen state our lives are plunged into crisis after crisis. Our only hope is the champion—Jesus Christ!

It doesn’t matter if our story is long or short, exciting or dull, tragic or amazing—the important thing is that it has a happy ending!

You must understand, your life comes with no promises and no guarantees. No matter of the location of our birth, it doesn’t matter who our parents are, and what physical and mental attributes we possess all seem to be matters of chance and little more. Every individual must confront life’s demands one day at a time. Life is an ebb and flow with exciting joy one moment and then painful heartache the next.

Some lives may seem to be tremendously blessed with love and kindness, while others may seem unduly visited by deep bitterness and hatred. But through it all with both the ups and the downs, God watches over each person, waiting patiently for that special moment when a lonely, sinful person reaches out for the beautiful fellowship of his Creator.

An individual is not truly complete until he has felt the wonderful release of sin through repentance, had the name of Jesus Christ applied to his heart through water baptism in Jesus’ name, and received the glorious gift of the Holy Ghost. Paul explained this completeness of life in his epistle to the church at Colosse: “And ye are complete in him” (Colossians 2:10).

Life is far too short to risk not fulfilling God’s perfect will in our lives. He has a plan for each of us. He has placed His Spirit in us, and He fully expects us to accomplish the spiritual labors and exploits He has entrusted to us.

Life holds joy and happiness for the child of God, for God gives abundant life to those who live for Him. And life remains abundant even in times of adverse situations and difficult moments. We can meet every challenge of life with a bold, unrestrained faith in God.

Life provides the opportunity for physical and spiritual growth, but regardless of our physical stature or personal reputation, what we accomplish for God and His cause will far outweigh any other human achievement.

With Jesus Christ as an integral part of life, life becomes more than simply living. It is a great adventure in the Holy Ghost where believers seek His will, find His will, and fulfill His will. How could we give less than our best to the Savior, who has given so much to the world? God has given each of us life and a purpose for that life.

Although many will refuse to know Jesus Christ in the power of His Spirit or to understand His will for their lives, those who do believe in and obey Him rejoice in His salvation. It changes their lives, puts a song in their heart, and gives them a godly purpose. Jesus came that we might have life, and that more abundantly. We can experience our potential in life as His Spirit guides us each day.

Absolutely Apostolic & Passionately Pentecostal!

Bishop Wade Gable

Apostolic Powerhouse Ministries

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